
Debunking Lies and Myths

Debunking Lies and Myths

Saturday, April 21, 2018

THE BETRAYAL OF THE HOLOCAUST - LEFTIST JEWS support for Muslim migration into the West and Obama's deal with Iran - both of them threats to Jewish lives

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  • The sad irony is that while leftist US and EU Jews agitate in favor of greater immigration from Muslim countries, their children in college are now being attacked by those same Muslim migrants they championed and their descendants.  College campuses are now hotbeds for virulent anti-Semitism. 
  • In Europe Muslims go beyond physical and verbal attacks into outright murder.  Too many European Jews have been tortured and killed at the hands of Muslims. 
  • But there is something twisted about the leftist mind:  it is immune to facts and logic.  Liberal Jews continue to defend Muslim migration into the West, even as the most deadly threats against Jews are routinely preached at mosques everywhere. 
  • And ever faithful to the Democrat doctrine, American Jews still support Obama's over-generous deal with Iran, while they promote the Democrats' Two States Solution even if it costs Israel's very existence.
Excerpts from Daniel Greenfield's column The Betrayal of the Holocaust:

  • Virtually every major Jewish organization, even the Orthodox Union, was pressured into signing on to obscenely despicable statements equating Muslim migrants to Holocaust victims.
  • The Holocaust is a very uncomfortable subject for American Jews. The same liberal Jewish organizations that took a vocal part in the civil rights movement remained deathly silent about the murder of six million Jews.
  • Why the silence? The same reason they didn't protest the Iran Deal too loudly.  (For liberal Jews) saving six million Jews was not a feel good liberal cause. The civil rights movement was.  (And now the Palestinian cause.)
  • The Final Solution, with its immediate extermination of the Jews, has been replaced by the Two State Solution, an intermediate process in which the land on which Jews can live is partitioned into smaller and smaller pieces.
  • The same Jewish organizations that wouldn't dream of missing a Holocaust commemoration, broadcast their commitment to the "Two State Solution" almost as loudly as to the Holocaust.
  • The best memorial to the dead is to stop aiding their murderers.
  • Every Jewish organization that bowed to FDR and Obama have blood on their hands.
  • Every Jewish organization that trumpets the Two State Solution has blood on its hands.
  • Every Jewish organization that mainstream BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) activists, that criticizes Israel and America for fighting terrorism, that imports Muslim migrants while demanding the expulsion of Jewish "settlers" has blood on its hands.


By Daniel Greenfield
Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. 
Writes for Frontpage Magazine.  More about this author here
When we talk about the Holocaust, we are talking about the mass murder of millions of Jews.
The dead included my grandparents and countless others, shot, starved, gassed, beaten to death and buried in mass graves. And yet the lessons of the Holocaust in its commemorations rarely have anything to do with Jewish lives. 
Millions of dollars have been spent building memorials to the victims of the Holocaust, even as Iran is spending its millions on building another kind of memorial to the Holocaust, in the form of nuclear technology.
Ben Rhodes, the Obama crony who helped sell the Iranian Big Lie, sits on the board of the Holocaust Memorial Council. The Washington D.C. museum ignores the murder of Jews in Israel, but is very worked up over the deaths of Muslims in Myanmar, in Egypt and around the world.
Millions more are spent, by some of the same groups that claim an interest in Holocaust education, on bringing Muslim migrants to America and Europe to carry out the promise of an Islamic apocalypse in which, as the Hadith states,  

"The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him."
That is what the Islamic Holocaust looks like. If you want to see it slowly getting underway, visit Paris or Jerusalem.
But the murder of Jews, in Israel or Europe, somehow has nothing to do with the Holocaust.
Image result for images Jews murdered in Paris
8-year-old Miriam Monsonego, daughter of school headmaster Rabbi Yaacov Monsonego - Murdered by Muslim along with her father and two small siblings in Toulouse, France.  The list of Jews murdered by Muslims in France is long. 
Image result for images french jew Halimi tortured and killed in paris
French Jew Ilan Halimi, kidnapped and murdered in Paris in 2006 - He was tortured for days by a Muslim gang, while police did nothing except trying to prevent his mother from going public during the ordeal.
Virtually every major Jewish organization, even the Orthodox Union, was pressured into signing on to obscenely despicable statements equating Muslim migrants to Holocaust victims.
The Holocaust isn't just an uncomfortable subject for Germans, Russians or Poles. It's a very uncomfortable subject for American Jews. The same liberal Jewish organizations that took a vocal part in the civil rights movement remained deathly silent about the murder of six million Jews.
Why the silence? The same reason they didn't protest the Iran Deal too loudly.
The Obama of the Holocaust was named FDR. His administration was equally anti-Semitic. And chose to ignore the mass murder of Jews until protests by Zionist activists became too loud to ignore.
Saving six million Jews was not a feel good liberal cause. The civil rights movement was.
And it's never about doing the right thing. It's about what looks good. It's what's popular.
The same organizations that stayed silent during the Holocaust then rebranded it as a universalist civil rights program.
The real lesson of the Holocaust isn't, "Don't allow Jews to be killed."
It's fight for every leftist cause on the planet... except that outmoded "not killing Jews" one.
The same Jewish organizations that wouldn't dream of missing a Holocaust commemoration broadcast their commitment to the "Two State Solution" almost as loudly as to the Holocaust.
The only lesson they learned is that another Holocaust needs better marketing.
The Final Solution, with its immediate extermination of the Jews, has been replaced by the Two State Solution, an intermediate process in which the land on which Jews can live is partitioned into smaller and smaller pieces.
The Lebensraum of Islam demands ever more breathing room. And fewer breathing Jews. Israel is carved up into smaller indefensible ghettos.
And Jews are barred from living outside those ghettos. Those who are "settlers" who must be evicted for the sake of the peace that Islam always brings.
Even if they're "settling" in Jerusalem.: the oldest Jewish city in history.
The Holocaust isn't very complicated because murder isn't very complicated. The easy lesson of murder is don't let it happen again.
It is easier to build another memorial than to look into your heart and ask why two generations later, the majority of the American Jewish community was still too cowardly to stand up to a liberal icon in the White House... when the lives of millions of Jews were on the line.
From FDR to Obama, American Jewish leaders had two opportunities to stand up to a liberal icon and save Jewish lives. No amount of memorials can disguise the fact that they learned nothing.
The best memorial to the dead is to stop aiding their murderers.
Every Jewish organization that bowed to FDR and Obama have blood on their hands. Every Jewish organization that trumpets the Two State Solution has blood on its hands. Every Jewish organization that mainstream BDS activists, that criticizes Israel and America for fighting terrorism, that imports Muslim migrants while demanding the expulsion of Jewish "settlers" has blood on its hands.
I don't remember the Holocaust because of a museum. I remember because of my grandparents. I remember because my Jewishness doesn't come from a memorial, it's always been a part of me.
The Holocaust told us a harsh truth about the world and human nature. Its commemorations soften the edges. But we need those harsh truths to know what lies behind the comfortable curtain.
Death is the harshest truth. The next harshest truth is betrayal. And the Jews have most often been betrayed by Jews escaping their Jewishness. Some, like George Soros, did it in the most literal way possible.

Others did it by kvelling to an FDR speech while ignoring the ash drifting over Europe. Today, they affirm the Two State Solution, ignore Iran's nuclear program and click on that inspirational speech by Obama, Cory Booker or the political culture hero next in line.
They ignore the Jews being murdered in Israel or in Paris. Dead Jews have nothing to do with their Holocaust. That refusal to listen and understand is how it began. The Jews of Poland didn't pay attention to what was going on in Germany. The Jews of Hungary didn't pay attention to what was going on in Poland. And American Jewish organizations all too often ignored all of them.
The Holocaust doesn't need hundred million dollar museums. To commemorate it, we must pay attention. And we must never let the propaganda of the killers blind us to their crimes.
That's easy to say about the Nazis, it's a lot harder when it comes to the PLO, Iran and Hamas.
It's easy to feel good about disavowing a discredited and fallen ideology. There's no act of courage there. But try disavowing the Two State Solution and the Iran Deal. That's a commemoration.

Friday, July 15, 2016

FRENCH AUTHORITIES SUPPRESSED NEWS of gruesome torture by Muslim terrorists at the BATACLAN. They gouged out victims' eyes, disemboweled them, castrated them, and filmed everything
- Muslim terrorists in MUMBAI did the same to Jewish victims in 2008 - PALESTINIANS LYNCHED AND CANNIBALIZED the bodies of two Israelis in 2000 
 - French authorities' suppression of Bataclan torture news makes them appear COMPLICIT with Islam's terror

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