
- We live in times when important historical facts are being silenced, mostly by those with the leftist ideology now dominant in the media and in educational institutions.
- Debates involving conservatives are no longer tolerated in universities, and their ideas and pro-Israeli views are automatically rejected as being offensive to socially-conscious students.
- Unable to defend their point of view, leftists have resorted to outright censorship, and often to physical violence to silence their opponents.
- A recent study revealed that two thirds of millennials (generation Y born in the 1980s and 1990s) don't know what Auschwitz is.
- When asked about anti-Semitism most Americans think about neo-Nazis and other white racists. They are unaware of Muslim anti-Semitism, which is based on the Koran and other Muslim sacred texts. Exposing this and any other negative fact about Islam, is now deemed to be "Islamophobic".
- People in Europe have been fired from their jobs, and even charged with a hate crime for posting historical pictures or making factual statements that reflect badly on Islam. In the meantime a growing Muslim population in Europe is persecuting and murdering Jews.
- The reason for Muslim anti-Semitism is based on religion, but anti-Israel propaganda is also playing a role.
- It is now more important than ever to learn and disseminate facts that debunk the ongoing false narrative of Arab claims to Jewish land.
The following is a study by Dr. Alex Joffe for BESA - the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies. Although he disproves Arab claims to the land, he bows to political correctness to support its partition to create another Arab state on historically Jewish land. This is plainly illogical.
When populations invade a land belonging to other people and are later defeated, they don't automatically earn the right to a piece of that land for their own independent country. The Arab conquerors were from the Arabian peninsula (today Saudi Arabia) and they invaded the land of Israel in the 7th century. They also invaded the rest of the Middle East, much of Africa, and even parts of Europe. They were a brutal conquering army - much as ISIS has been in our time.
By Alex Joffe,archaeologist and historian,
and Shillman-Ginsburg Fellow at the Middle East Forum.
- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The concept of “settler colonialism” has been applied with almost unique vehemence against Israel. But the fact that Jews are the indigenous population of the Southern Levant can be proved with ease.
- In contrast, historical and genealogical evidence shows Palestinians descend primarily from three primary groups: Muslim invaders, Arab immigrants, and local converts to Islam.
- The Muslim conquest of Byzantine Palestine in the 7th century CE is a textbook example of settler-colonialism, as is subsequent immigration, particularly during the 19th and 20th centuries under the Ottoman and British Empires. The application of the concept to Jews and Zionism by Palestinians is both ironic and unhelpful.
One of the mainstays of the modern university is the idea of settler-colonialism. This argues that certain societies are birthed by settlers implanted in a foreign territory, either directly by or with the consent of an imperial power.