- Although historians and popular culture tend to lay most of the blame for the Holocaust on German Nazis, in fact the Nazis counted on the collaboration of many nations in Europe and elsewhere in the genocide of Jews.
- The slaughter of six million Jews was a collaborative international effort.
- After 1945 the supposedly de-Nazified German government has led to this day an active movement to undermine Israel, and to support and fund the Palestinian Arabs. And so have other EU governments.
- Europeans have contracted out the Arabs for the completion of what Hitler left undone.
- An empowered Palestinian Arab population with a state of their own, and a weakened and shrunk Israel is the insidious formula for Holocaust Part II - and they all know it.
- The British have always been intensely anti-Semitic and, although they've been lauded for playing such a key role in resisting and fighting the Nazis, they endeavored to keep Jews out of Britain AND Palestine during the war, thereby ensuring that they would be slaughtered by the Germans in the millions.
- To this day the British and the rest of Europe enthusiastically sympathize with the genocidal Palestinian Arabs who, by the way, were close allies of Hitler.
- As Britain continues to be colonized by Muslims, its foreign policy is bound to get even more anti-Israel.
- The British Labour Party is blatantly anti-Semitic. It is headed by a self-hating Jew, and supported by the anti-Semitic left and the UK Muslim population.
- Whatever our personal views on the conflict, we should remember that it is NOT between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, but between Jews and Muslims, and between tiny Israel and 1.7 BILLION Muslims.
- Jews have been persecuted and massacred by Muslims for 14 centuries, long before the reconstituted State of Israel.
- Israel's three major defensive wars for survival (48, 67, 73) were between a few million Jews (six million at the last census) and a coalition of Arab countries representing hundreds of millions of genocidal Muslims.
The British betrayal of the Jewish people
By Abu Yehuda (Vic Rosenthal)
Even after the war, when the evil consequences of its policies should have been clear, when Germany herself began to recognize her obligation to what was left of the Jewish people, Britain continued to fight against the establishment of a Jewish state, battling attempts to resettle Jewish refugees, even arming and providing military advisors to the Arab armies that in 1948 tried to finish the job Hitler started.
Today the “discovery” of Jew-hatred among British politicians, particularly in the Labour Party, is news. But the relationship of the Jews to Albion, since the citizens of York wiped out their Jewish community in 1190, hasn’t been smooth.
Recently, I read a review by Sheree Roth of a neglected 1938 book, William B. Ziff’s The Rape of Palestine. (Posted on this page further on.)
Although Roth is primarily concerned with the (very important and persuasive) evidence in Ziff’s book refuting the Arab claim to be the “original” or “indigenous” inhabitants of the Land of Israel, the book is primarily concerned with the history of the British Mandatory power over Palestine.
The British betrayal of the Jewish people must be reckoned as one of the great crimes of the 20th century. Entrusted with the Mandate to ultimately make possible a Jewish National Home, Britain instead fought its realization tooth and nail, ultimately becoming complicit in the Nazi Holocaust.
Even after the war, when the evil consequences of its policies should have been clear, when Germany herself began to recognize her obligation to what was left of the Jewish people, Britain continued to fight against the establishment of a Jewish state, battling attempts to resettle Jewish refugees, even arming and providing military advisors to the Arab armies that in 1948 tried to finish the job Hitler started.
Everyone knows about the series of White Papers issued by the Mandatory Government, which progressively limited Jewish immigration, culminating in the MacDonald White Paper of 1939 which – just as the furnaces of the Holocaust were about to be lit – effectively closed the doors of Palestine to Jews and doomed millions to destruction.
But Ziff explains how, long before 1939, British authorities used every bureaucratic device possible to reduce the number of Jews allowed into the country, while completely overlooking the uncontrolled immigration of Arabs who flocked in to take advantage of the jobs created by the Zionists. “Illegal” Jews were hunted down and punished.
Continue reading Abu Yehuda's article, the ME Quarterly article from where he quotes, as well as other related items.